The EchoBoat is a two-man portable, remote controlled and autonomous surface vehicle with powerful differential thrusters for manoeuvrability, developed for hydrographic survey applications. For professional hydrographic survey the EchoBoat can be tailored to specific user requirements. The vessel may be purchased with a desired depth sounder pre-installed or supplied ready to accept kit from the customer’s existing survey equipment pool. Similarly, customised cabling can be included so the EchoBoat can accept existing GNSS, GPS and RTK positioning systems. For a turnkey survey grade package, the EchoBoat can be outfitted with side scan sonar, singlebeam and multibeam systems, and it is compatible with a range of hydrographic data collection software packages including Hypack, PDS2000 and QINSy.
This multi-payload vehicle has a large payload capacity, features improved thrust, easily disassembles for shipping and transport, and is manufactured from high quality marine components and materials. The EchoBoat allows access to remote areas and is appropriate for an array of work environments, such as mines, ponds, rivers, lakes, sewage treatment plants and harbours.
With the AutoNav control system, the EchoBoat is autonomous and can be monitored while under way, in both manual and auto modes. The Mission Planner application runs on a base station laptop connected via radio telemetry link, and displays the geographical position and progress of the vessel in real-time against a survey area background map. Battery voltage, current, and capacity remaining is monitored through this link. Switching to remote control of the EchoBoat is straightforward using a remote control unit (RCU) that offers up to 2 km range.
Instrumentation options: